Youth Initiatives News
Sessional Youth Support Worker Posts
27th June 2024
We have a number of youth support worker post open to application. Adverts for each of the posts can be viewed by clicking on the buttons below. If you are interested in applying please complete the online application by Midnight Sunday 30th June. The online application can be accessed by clicking the button below the job adverts.
Transforming Local Youth Work
26th June 2024
Youth Initiatives CEO Tony Silcock at the Education Committee presenting the ‘Transforming Local Youth Work’ paper and alongside Boys and Girls Clubs NI, Bytes, Youth Action NI and Youth Work Alliance. #youthworkworks

Boys and Young Men Animations
4th June 2024
Three animations have been created by the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland (SBNI), YouthAction NI & VOYPIC to raise awareness of child sexual exploitation (CSE) as experienced by boys and young men. To view these, please click the image to the right.
Safeguarding Helpline Contact Information
31st May 2024
If you are concerned about a person or situation, work with children or adults and need
safeguarding advice for any concerns. Please seek advice from any of the below organisations.
If a young person is in immediate danger, contact the PSNI on 999.
Thirtyone:eight Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm 0303 003 1111
Lifeline 24hr helpline: 0808 808 8000
Samaritans 24hr helpline - Call 166 123 e:jo@samaritans.org
Domestic and sexual abuse helpline 24hr helpline 0808 802 1414
NSPCC 0808 800 5000 e: help@NSPCC.org.uk
Childline (if under 18) 0800 1111
These organisations are there to help whatever issue you are facing.

thirtyone:eight Safeguarding Case Review
31st May 2024
Safeguarding Case Review completed by thirtyone:eight​. To view please click the button below.
Roundtable discussion with local youth providers

On Friday 10th May local youth service providers gathered at the Dunsilly Hotel, Antrim, for an insightful round-table discussion. We explored innovative delivery models to maximize youth work resources and better support our children and young people. A big thank you to everyone who joined and contributed to these vital conversations!
Following on from this productive discussion with local youth service providers, we are energized and more prepared than ever to tackle the challenges facing our youth. Together, we'll refine our approaches and strive for a future where every child and young person in our community thrives.
YI Belfast Marathon Team
3rd April 2024
2 of our staff and 3 of our young people from West Belfast are raising money to send other young people to Camp this summer.
Click the link below to learn more and/ or make a donation

29th March 2024
On the 9th of March, our young people in the Northwest exhibited a project that was the culmination of a year’s work. Artbridge allowed these young people to make art centred around themes of community, identity, legacy, and culture. Additionally, the way Artbridge facilitated artistic expression gave young people spaces for reflection, meditation, and a genuine focus on their emotions, both positive and negative.
Click on the image to the right to see some of the artwork and read a bit more about the show.

16th January 2024
Today's the day! We're thrilled to announce the launch of the Voices for Impact survey. Calling all young people to share their views. Youth Workers please share with young people.
For more info email voicesforimpact@bytes.org or read more here.

20th December 2023
Check out our latest newsletter and see what our hubs have been up to this past year
6th December 2023
We want to take this opportunity to thank all of those who supported us during the Big Give Christmas Challenge. ​

14th November 2023
The Big Give Christmas challenge is a fundraising campaign that doubles any donation up to an agreed target. The Challenge will run from 28th November to 5th December.
Our target this year is to raise £25,000 which will be doubled to give Youth Initiatives £50,000
This year we are raising money for our Volunteer work. Volunteers are a vital part of Youth Initiatives. It is a chance for our young people to step into the next phase of their journey, and grow in leadership, confidence and many other skills. Our theme for the campaign is “Contributing to a shared future”, a future that is shared amongst different cultures within our society that we are trying to bring together, but also among different generations.

Response Update
Updated Information
14th April 2022
Please find below an update to on Mr Jamie Treadwell
Youth Initiatives
COVID -19 youth work response
The staff at Youth Initiatives still want to be able to connect with and work with the young people who attend our programmes regularly. We recognise that our current situation has come as a shock to most and presents challenges with schools being closed, job uncertainty amongst other challenges.
We want to respond to the different needs that are being experienced by those we work with. During our time of self-isolation, social distancing, schools and gathering being shut we want to ensure that the mental, emotional, spiritual and social wellbeing of our young people is protected and nurtured throughout this uncertain time.
YI Downpatrick featured on BBC Songs of Praise
YI Downpatrick featured on the BBC programme songs of praise, doing a spring clean of their centre and the local area.
Catch up here on BBC iPlayer
Or see a snippet on Facebook

Crosslinks Show​ - POSTPONED
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 the Crosslinks show has unfortunately been postponed. We want to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the participants who put so much into the show from learning lines and writing songs to practicing dances and building props. We are sad the show will not take place as planned but we will be back...

News Release
Feb 8th 2020
(date correction)
Please find below an update to our March news release
Crosslinks Celebrates 20 Years!
Youth Initiatives is launching our weekly cross community 'Crosslinks' youth arts project on Monday 7th October. Participants aged 14-20yrs from Catholic, Protestant and Ethnic Minority communities in Belfast, will take part in good relations workshops using drama, art, music and dance. A final theatre performance showcasing their work will take place 29th March 2020.
For more info please contact Lynda e:admin@youthinitiatives.

Community Relations Council awards YI £25,800
The Community Relations Council is delighted to reveal the successful organisations that will be receiving support from its Core Funding Grants Scheme for the 2019/20 year. The fund is supported by The Executive Office.
There are a total of 29 projects receiving support of £1.2million.
Speaking at the official launch of this year’s scheme, Community Relations Council Chair, Peter Osborne, said:
“Reconciliation is about relationship building on the ground. It is hard, challenging work made more so within the current environment. We are deeply appreciative of the courage, resolve and commitment of these organisations and their staff as they do their part to build a better future for us all.”
Youth Initiatives has been awarded £25,800 for our reconciliation project “Lasting Impact". The project will tackle sectarianism and racism at its roots working with young people currently disinterested or dissident and, through a 5-7 year process, help them to become leaders for good relations and change agents in their communities.

Big Give Christmas Challenge 2018
This year Youth Initiatives is delighted to have been asked to take part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge, sponsored by Garfield Weston. From 27th Nov until 4th Dec, all donations made to YI via theBigGive.org.uk will be matched!
If you are interested in donating and would like a reminder sent to you on 27th Nov, please email admin@youthinitiatives.com.
New Banbridge Youth Centre!

Youth Initiatives: Under New Management
We are delighted to announce, that as of 1 April 2018, YI is being run by a new management team and new CEO. Following a three year long succession process, Tony Silcock has taken on the role of Chief Officer and Siobhan Darragh, Matt McCullough and Lynda Whinnery have been appointed to the new management team.
Tony, originally from Twinbrook, began in YI at age 16 through an outreach football programme and the YI Lifeline Project. Siobhan, our new deputy Chief Officer, began YI as a 10 year old coming to the YI summer programme. Lynda joined the YI Crosslinks project at age 14 and Matt started with YI as an 18 year old volunteer intern. The new management team models the YI mission of awakening hope, inspiring initiative, and mobilising young people - showing young people from their own community that success is possible and the future is full of opportunity for those who go for it.
Special thanks goes to Doug Smith and Andy Hewitt who have led YI for the last 15 years. We are indebted to their contribution and their equipping of and making space for this new generation of leaders to take the reins.