Celebrating 20 years of Crosslinks!
Youth Initiatives is launching our weekly cross community 'Crosslinks' youth arts project on Monday 7th October. Participants aged 14-20yrs from Catholic, Protestant and Ethnic Minority communities in Belfast, will take part in good relations workshops using drama, art, music and dance.
A final theatre performance showcasing their work will take place 29th March
For more info please contact admin@youthinitiatives.com
CROSSLINKS is a cross-community, cross-cultural, arts-based youth project that seeks to break down barriers and address misconceptions pertaining to race, faith, culture and tradition. Through the use of the Creative Arts, Crosslinks aims to enable the youth participants to become agents of change within their communities by exploring good relations issues in a safe, positive, relational environment and in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Our participants aged 14-20yrs together from across Catholic, Protestant and Ethnic Minority communities in Belfast to take part in drama, dance, singing and art workshops. Their exploration culminate in an original theatre production and celebration.

What's On?
Crosslinks Programme Night
7pm - 9.15pm
Lifts Provided
Meet at Belmont Rd, BT4 2AN